Royal Belgian FA
Royal Belgium FA
The training facilities are located near Brussels, Tubeke. The KBVB moved to Tubeke in 2021. The facilities and the complex are brand new and stand for high quality.
Royal Belgium FA
The Royal Belgian Football Association (KBVB) is the governing body for
football in Belgium. Established with a rich history on September 1, 1895.
A package includes at least one/two 90-minute training sessions and can
easily be upgraded with: lunch or dinner at the restaurant, merchandise, and
home tickets game of the national team (availability).
Proximus Basecamp
Nestled in the heart of Tubeke, the Proximus Base Camp serves as the primary training complex for the Belgian national teams. The brand-new facilities are used since 2021, helping Belgium to compete with the best nations in the world.

Other options
Royal Belgian FA
Train at Proximus Basecamp, our pro training destination of KBVB. (Royal
Belgian Football Association)
Club Brugge
Train at the Belfius Basecamp, the pro destination of Club Brugge. Club Brugge is an 18-time champion of Belgium
Standard de Liège
Train at Académie Robert Louis-Dreyfus, the professional trainings session destination of
Standard de Liege.
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